Articles about Transition

Marital Transitions: Parting the Fearful Waters

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Three steps to finding marital stability in the midst of change

Families and Transition

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Illustrates how Jesus can help families survive and thrive in times of change and transition.

Transitions and Change: A Tribute to Mr. Fred Rogers

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Changes in life can bring grief, stress, and a longing for the past. Article uses lessons learned from The Mister Rogers Show to show ways to lessen the trauma around transition.

Grief and Changes

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Change within a family life cycle can bring feelings of grief and loss. Article lists six ways to weather the storms of family changes.

Lord Emmanuel

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Article describes in poetic form how God will dwell with us ande not forsake us in uncertain or tragic times.

Life Transitions

Suzan Myhre, M.S.S.W., LICSW, LPC

This article explores the task adolescents and their families face when leaving home. It describes the delicate balance between support and autonomy parents must give their emerging adult.

This is Your Life: Adolescents Leaving Home

Suzan Myhre, M.S.S.W., LICSW, LPC

This article addresses launching as a transition in family life, and ways one can prepare for it.

Coping with Change at Christmas

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Change is often difficult for families, but changes during the Christmas season can be especially tough. Article looks at four practical and spiritual ways to manage changes: based on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her response to the birth of our Savior.

I have a WHAT?

As the Nationwide Insurance commercial proclaims, "Life comes at you fast," parents can find themselves quickly thrown into raising a teenager. As you jump into adolescence with your adolescent, take a deep breath, and use these reminders to help with the adolescent journey.

Honor Widows

Brenda Spina, M.S., LMFT, LPC

Widowhood is one of those transitions that is easily dismissed and greatly misunderstood. As someone who watched her mother work through the varied tasks of this transition, the lack of availability in those around her for her situation was striking. Yet, James exhorts us to care for the orphans and widows as an expression of our pure and faultless expression of faith. The author expresses lessons learned from her own experience of coming along side her mother when facing widowhood.

No Longer Little: Key Concerns of Young Adults

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

Young adults face many transitions and many fears. This article explores three key concerns that young adults often keep hidden from their parents. Included are helpful parental responses to support parents in this season of their son or daughter’s life.

Hellos and Goodbyes

Lynda Savage, M.S., LMFT, LPC

Helpful thoughts for parents, young people, and families for a child's movement into adulthood. Transition from youth to adult is said by Jay Haley and others, to be the most challenging in the human life cycle. Encouragement and ideas for this period of time are presented.

Twenty Something

Christine Vander Wielen, M.S.W., LCSW

The twenties can be described as a time of great transitions. In this article, Christine outlines common struggles of young adults and provides helpful suggestions for parents and loved ones.

Twelve Years, Ten Lessons

Mary Lambrecht, M.S. LMFT

An article of tribute and thanksgiving. As Mary Lambrecht follows God's call to Texas, she shares ten basic lessons learned in the therapy room and in ministry through The Center for Family Healing and Practical Family Living.

Preparing for the School Year

Brenda Spina, M.S., LMFT, LPC

Families enjoy the change summer schedules bring. It seems families adjust to the summer schedule then quickly find themselves facing a transition into a new school year. Implementing simple steps help manage this transition with greater ease. This article outlines these steps.
