Valentine's Day: Cheesy or Not, Affection Appreciated
- Lynda Savage, M.S., LMFT, LPC
- Series: Dear Rosa
The following is from an anonymous male:
"We really are in a bind. Yes, it's a schmaltzy holiday, originally associated with St. Valentine, as the legend goes, now thoroughly co-opted by capitalism. Yes, it's better to just have a nice talk about how awfully exploited we all are, by the hype, and how we should just go about our relational business. But pragmatically, we can't just ignore the day entirely. Even the most jaded and snarky woman will want something special on the day of. Just "nothing too cheesy," or "nothing too romantic," she'll say... I suspect that what they (the women) really want is an attempt, however lame, to honor them and show them affection."
her.meneutics blog,