Guidelines for Help When You Feel Vulnerable or Lost

1. If you are a believer, consult the Word of God immediately about who you are in Christ. Look in Psalms for things that apply to you and your situation. There are no more real and down-to-earth words for human kind anywhere.

2. If you are not a believer, ask God to show Himself to you if He is real. I don't mean this as a light exercise in tempting God. I mean this for the serious person wanting to know truth.

3. Look for signs that you are loved by God, and don't forget the basic gifts like the ability to see, or as some report, for the lack of sight. Thank God for your heart beating, for the ocean, for the mountains, for little birds. Thank Him for being able to breathe without labor or other basics that may be occurring to you as you read this.

4. Confess known and unknown sins. Once is enough. No need to go over and over confessed sin. If you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

5. Invite Jesus in to exactly what you are experiencing. He loves you. He has come to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captives free. He will come to where you are emotionally, physically and spiritually.

6. The devil is a liar. (And there is one.) You are not alone. You are not crazy. You have worth and dignity.

7. Obtain a devotional to read at least once every day. A recommendation: The Daily Light by Bagster or Bagster/Lotz. A "year through the Bible" style Bible is a good way to allow God's love for you to sink in.

8. Be in contact with people who love God and are forgiving and loving. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not constantly reminding you what a wretch you are, although sin is sin and needs to be called what it is. Confess sin and allow God to take it away and help you with your struggles, which we all have. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) No one then, can be high and mighty about himself or herself, because we all sin and need cleansing from God. I only know of one perfect human being, and He is also God.

9. Put beautiful music into your day. Avoid music that reminds you of even small losses. Music that lifts you and blesses you will take your mind and spirit to a much-needed break.

10. Confront thoughts that may try to intrude against truth, with the truth. The truth is, you are loved. The Bible has been avoided by many, but it is a love letter from God. A great source for people who may not like the formal Word of God is The Message by Peterson. The thoughts found therein will help you confront intrusive thoughts with the very mind of a loving God.


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