God's Forgiveness
- Christine Vander Wielen, M.S.W., LCSW
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We all need forgiveness at times. Through my experience as a therapist, I have noticed that often times it is not a family member or friend with whom it is most difficult to forgive, rather ourselves. For some reason, we hold forgiveness of ourselves to a higher standard than God does. God's standard was the death of His Son. By our refusal to forgive ourselves, we are in a sense saying, "It was not good enough." We may ask for His forgiveness but then we doubt. Then we berate ourselves and hide behind veils of shame and guilt. This shame and guilt can manifest itself in depression, anxiety, anger or addictions. Jesus came to set us, the captives, free. He desires for us to be free of the shame and guilt and accept His forgiveness.
God's word says: When you were dead in your sins and in the circumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins. (Colossians 2:13)
This is such a comprehensive verse it is difficult to fathom. Accordingly, through Christ, God forgives all our sins, not just some. God does not hold back from us. He never says, "That sin is too big. I will not forgive that one." He does not give an allotment. God never says, "You have sinned once too many times, so your forgiveness quota has been exhausted." He never says, "I will forgive that sin, but not that one." Additionally, God never puts conditions on forgiveness. He never says, "I will forgive you if you promise not to do it again." God's forgiveness is complete and without strings.
Not only, does the Lord forgive us, He removes our transgressions completely from us. Psalm 103:12 states: As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. When He forgives us, it is finished. We do not have to carry around the weight of sin any longer. This sure is great news! God chooses to remember our sins no more. Jeremiah writes: For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more (Jeremiah 31:34b).
If you are having difficulty forgiving yourself, let Jesus know. Invite Him in and ask Him to help you. We so often focus on the shame and guilt that we do not ask Jesus for help to forgive.
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