Because God Loves Me: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Because God loves me, He is slow to lose patience with me. Because God loves me, He takes the circumstances of my life and uses them in a constructive way for my growth. Because God loves me, He does not treat me as an object to be possessed and manipulated. Because God loves me, He has no need to impress me with how great and powerful He is, because He is God, nor does He belittle me as His child in order to show me how important He is. Because God loves me, He is for me. He wants to see me mature and develop in His love. Because God loves me, He does not send down His wrath on every little mistake I make, of which there are probably many. Because God loves me, He does not keep score of all my sins and then beat me over the head with them whenever He gets the chance. Because God loves me, he rejoices when I experience His power and strength and stand up under the pressures of life for His name's sake. Because God loves me, He keeps on working patiently with me even when I feel like giving up and can't see why He doesn't give up with me too. Because God loves me, He keeps on trusting me when at times I don't even trust myself. Because God loves me, He never says there is no hope for me, rather He patiently works with me, loves me, and disciplines me in such a way that it is hard for me to understand the depth of His concern for me. He never forgets me even though many of my friends might. Because God loves me, He stands with me when I have reached the rock bottom of despair. When I see the real me and compare that with His righteousness, holiness, beauty and love, it is at a moment like that I can really believe that God Loves Me! Yes, the greatest of all gifts is God's Perfect Love. Because of God's love for each of us, because of His care for us, His support for us, it is possible for us to come to the point where the depression lifts. God is patient with us. We need to be patient with ourselves. We need to listen to our depression to see what it is trying to tell us.

I may be depressed. There are reasons, many of them physical, why I am depressed. They are valid reasons. The depression is telling me something. While it is very painful, it may help me know God and His purpose for my life better. I am going to grow closer to God from this experience and I AM GOING TO FEEL BETTER.

Philippians 4:6-9

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."


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