
  • Cheryl Welch, BSN, RN, M.S., LPC
  • Series: Dear Rosa

Anger is an emotion that each of us have experienced in our lifetime. It seems to be the first emotion grabbed out of the emotional toolbox. Many of us may tend to blame another person or the situation as being the cause of our anger. Would it surprise you to know that you have a choice what emotion you will use, and others can’t make you feel the way you do? You choose your emotion! No one else or thing can make you angry. I am not saying that a person should not ever be angry. I am saying each of us needs to own our emotions and manage our feelings of anger more effectively.

If you are an individual who believes they thrive on being angry, please reconsider your stance. Constant feelings of anger increase stress, negatively affect relationships, cause health issues (high blood pressure, headaches, stomach issues, etc.), affect critical thinking skills, and quite frankly can exhaust a person. Take some deep breaths, become mindful of the situation you are in, and determine if you really need to be angry or just be present in the experience. If you want to be present in the experience, take some deep breaths and count your teeth, then choose patience or kindness. If you cannot let go of being angry, I would encourage you to reach out for support and counseling to address past hurts that may keep you stuck in your anger.
